LPS inspection using the Top7 drone-based solution.

Wind turbines are crucial components in the world’s energy generation system, but they can also be vulnerable to damage caused by lightning strikes. The consequences of such damage can range from minor malfunctions to total blade collapse, resulting in costly repairs and extended downtime. To prevent this, wind turbine blades are equipped with lightning protection systems (LPS) to protect the blades from lightning strikes. However, it is important to regularly inspect and verify the functionality of the LPS to ensure…

Using a robot for internal blade inspection

The blades of your wind turbine are prone to multiple types of damage and this is best observed from the inside. Avoid potential harsh damage in advance with internal inspection. Aerones robotic crawler will give you an interactive 360 overview of your blades and deeper insight with Lidar 3D point cloud. The new approach is cheaper, safer, and faster.

No Weather Day Guarantee!

Weather is one of the main reasons for missed milestones and delays in the wind turbine services industry. Most service suppliers are unable to conduct their work during days with bad weather, yet they tend to invoice for all accrued weather days that put a project on hold. Using autonomous drones for blade inspections increases the number of blades that can be inspected per day. In addition, drones are less affected by weather compared to conventional inspection methods. During 2022,…

How autonomous drones, AI and big data shape the future of blade O&M

In the past, turbine inspection crews have relied on various tools to get a closer look at blades: binoculars, ropes, high-definition ground cameras. But these approaches have limitations in terms of accuracy, safety and then there’s expensive downtime. Today, automated visual inspection technologies have replaced these methods. Operators know that regular and proactive investigations are the best way to identify damage and maintain equipment for the long term. Drones are a dynamic, safe and efficient way to carry out routine…

Sign up for todays Windpower Monthly session

Sign up for todays Windpower Monthly session and listen to blade experts and operators within the wind industry discuss this hot topic and gain insights into what is possible with today’s technology. https://windpowermonthlyinsight.com/how-autonomous-drones-ai-and-big-data-shape-the-future-of-blade-om?utm_source=linkedin&utm_medium=linkedin&utm_campaign=linkedin

Bladecare partners with Sulzer Schmid, autonomous drone technology provider.

Bladecare partners with Sulzer Schmid, autonomous drone technology provider, and becomes a truly independent blade inspection service provider. Bladecare is thrilled to partner with Sulzer Schmid (CH), a leading provider and innovator of next-generation technology for inspections of wind turbines using autonomous drones and a sophisticated data analytics platform. Bladecare will be offering WTG inspections using the state-of-the-art Sulzer Schmid 3DX ™ Blade Platform. “With four seasons and challenging weather variations, inspection season in Scandinavia is short and intensive. Therefore…

The future is in the air

Roboten har landat! Nyligen utförde Bladecare LPS kontroll i Finland åt två olika aktörer. Trots relativt kraftiga höstvindar så går det att utföra blixtledarmätning så här sent på året. Dock rekommenderar vi LPS kontroll tidigt på året för att säkerställa full funktion under blixtsäsongen.Dessvärre är ett vanligt resultat vid LPS kontroll att systemen inte fungerar tillfredställande.Skadorna vid blixtnedslag kan bli väldigt omfattande.

Effects of near-lightning strikes on turbine blades.

An article from Windpower Engineering & DevelopmentAllen Hall / President / Pinnacle Lightning Protection, LLC / www.pinnaclelightning.comGreg Shine / President / Shine Wire Products, Inc. / www.shinewire.com Lightning strikes the United States about 25 million times a year, according to the National Weather Service. That’s an impressive figure, and one reason why wind turbine owners and operators breathe a sigh of relief when their equipment goes unscathed during electrical storms. However, even a “close call” can cause more harm than one might expect. According to…

– Framtiden är här! Webbinarium om robotiserat och automatiserat underhåll av vindkraftsverk.

Arbetar du med underhålls- eller driftsfrågor inom vindkraft? Välkommen att delta vid ett av våra webbinarium den 24:e eller den 25: juni kl. 14:00!

Under en halvtimme kommer Bladecare berätta om robotiserad och automatiserad teknik för underhåll av vindkraftsverk.Tillsammans med Aerones Nordic bjuder Bladecare in till ett webbinarium som hålls av Dainis Kruze, VD vid Aerones Nordic. Läs mer här.